
Women’s International Democratic Federation on the elections in Venezuela

The Women's International Democratic Federation, WIDF, to the international community and the Venezuelan people expresses its solidarity with the people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela who are facing these days the stubborn attack of ...
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War is not Healthy for Children and other Living Things
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Another Way of Organizing

Magaly Licolli, co-founder of Venceremos shared her experiences as a workers organizer for poultry workers in the northwest section of Arkansas. Magaly’s work at a non-profit community planning organization revealed the systemic problems facing migrant ...
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The Texas “Abortion Law”

A recent abortion law in Texas bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, and allows anyone to sue abortion providers. This law flies in the face of women’s democratic rights that were won since the ...
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Stop the Line 3 Pipeline

As working class feminists, we are obligated to fight against white supremacy and colonialism. That means standing in solidarity with indigenous peoples. Among many challenges opposed on tribal nations is the ongoing fight for clean ...
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Establishing Formal Relationship of US and Pakistan Departments of Peace

Dear Friends at the Pakistan Department of Peace, It was an honor to participate in your Zoom meetings and get to know the work and accomplishments of the Pakistan Department of Peace. Pakistan has a ...
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